
  • R.T. Briscoe Head Office - 18, Fatai Atere Way, Matori, Oshodi, Lagos
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Savings and Investment


Over the years, Money market fund have made a name for being one of the simplest and most affordable ways for individual investors to realize their short, medium, and longterm investment goals. Investing in this money market fund is easy and rewarding and much more the plus advantage to convert holdings to Equity ownership in a renowned organization like R.T. Briscoe.

Investment Objective and Policy

The Fund will operate as an open-ended fund with the primary objective of providing Unit holders the opportunity to earn a steady stream of income and capital preservation. The Fund will invest in a diversified portfolio of high-quality money market instrument not lower than investment grade rating such as, unsubordinated short term debt securities, such as banker’s acceptances, certificates of deposits, financial commercial papers, collagenized repurchase agreements; Deposits (fixed/tenured) with eligible institutions and other instruments as specified from time to time by the SEC.


Quick Facts:
1,000,000 units offered for subscription.
Issue Price @ N1,000 each
Minimum Subscription - 10 units = N 10 , 000
Fund Manager DLM Asset Management Limited
Fund Sponsor R.T Briscoe Nigeria Plc.
Trustees UTL Trust Management Services
Custodians First City Monument Bank Limited
Fund Rating A1 by Data Pro Limited
Currency of the Fund Naira
Issue Size 1,000,000 units
Issue Price / Unit 1,000
Offer Price N10,000
Minimum Holding Period 180 Days
Redemption TAT-Five business working days
Pre-Liquidation Penalty 25% on the income accrued on Investment on the date of redemption
Equity Option Unit conversion to equity

Contact Us

DLM Asset Management Ltd
Phone Number: +2348076772494
Email: asset@dlm.group
Website: http://dlm.group/
R.T. Briscoe Corporate Services
Phone Number: +234 8090503875 Email: briscoemail@rtbriscoe.com Website: www.rtbriscoe.com

The Investment Committee will be responsible for determining the Investment Policy of the Fund and the asset allocation range in accordance with prevailing market conditions.

Asset Allocation:
The Fund shall invest a maximum of 100% in quality money market instruments not lower than investment grade with a maximumtenorof 365 days. The weighted average maturity of the Fund’s portfolio shall not exceed ninety (90) days. The permissible asset classes within theFund are as follows:
  • High quality money market instrument, unsubordinated short-term debt securities, such as banker’s acceptances, certificates of deposits, commercial papers, collateralized repurchase agreements etc.
  • Deposits (fixed/tenured) with financial institutions;and eligible
  • Other instruments introduced and approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria from time to time.
Bank Placements 5 - 20
Short term Government Securities 25 - 40
Short Term Notes 25 - 40
High Grade CPs 30 - 60

The Fund Manager shall issue 1,000,000 Units of the Fund at the Offer Price to the public.

The minimum subscription amount is ₦10,000. The minimum investment in the Fund that one or joint Unitholder(s) may make is ten (10) Units of the Fund at ₦1,000 per Unit and additional Units shall be issued in multiples of five (5) and shall be payable in full upon subscription.

How To Subscribe To The Fund

Fill out the required subscription forms and documentation. This may include a subscription agreement and a know-your-customer (KYC) form.

Use the KYC link below to fill all required information and pledge amount.
R.T. Briscoe Savings & Investment Fund Subscription

Contact Us

Fund Manager:
DLM Asset Management Ltd
Phone Number: +2348076772494
Email: asset@dlm.group
Website: http://dlm.group/

R.T. Briscoe Corporate Services
Phone Number: +234 8090503875
Email: briscoemail@rtbriscoe.com
Website: www.rtbriscoe.com
